
class gaft.analysis.fitness_store.FitnessStore

Bases: gaft.plugin_interfaces.analysis.OnTheFlyAnalysis

Built-in on-the-fly analysis plugin class for storing fitness related data during iteration.

interval(int): The analysis interval in evolution iteration, default
value is 1 meaning analyze every step.
master_only(bool): Flag for if the analysis plugin is only effective
in master process. Default is True.
finalize(population, engine)

Called after the iteration to allow for custom finalization and post-processing of the collected data.

  • population (Population) – The up to date population of the iteration.
  • engine (gaft.engine.GAEngine) – The current GAEngine where the analysis is running.
register_step(g, population, engine)

Function called in each iteration step.

  • g (int) – Current generation number.
  • population (Population) – The up to date population of the iteration.
  • engine (gaft.engine.GAEngine) – The current GAEngine where the analysis is running.
setup(ng, engine)

Function called right before the start of genetic algorithm main iteration to allow for custom setup of the analysis object.

  • ng (int) – The number of generation.
  • engine (gaft.engine.GAEngine) – The current GAEngine where the analysis is running.